Wednesday, December 3, 2008

In Sickness and In Health

Isn't it weird, the way people appear to celebrate sickness and death. Let's be clear i'm not accusing anyone of being glad when people get sick or die, but the truth of the matter is that people's sickness or funerals have become these highly ritualised things whereby everyone visits the ill/deceased's home ostensibly to show their concern.

Now in principle this sounds like a fantastic idea, everyone gathering round showing their support but really the practicalities fall somewhat short in this noble-ish endeavor.

Recently a family friend was ill and had to undergo an operation. Now i personally like the person concerned and know her kids so when my folks said they were going to visit i happily jumped in for the ride. But and here's the shocking part, whilst there I overheard two aunties chatting away to each other: "I didn't really want to come but you know how it is, if I didn't come someone would have said something and then all that damaal would have started"

It's unreal honestly it is. So we've moved from this really sorta nice idea of paying respects etc to the ill and the deceased to this weird societal norm, non-fulfillment of which leads to some kind of social ostracization.

Now whilst this is weird all in itself, what really got me thinking was this past week. I've been unwell had a minor heart op and all of a sudden started getting phone calls from assorted family members. Most of them semi-identical along the lines of "we're making dua for you, be strong, insh allah everything will be fine". Which is all good and well, made me feel really loved until the thought hit me, how much of this is borne out of those same societal pressures and how much is actually genuine?


My dartboard said...

I dont do funerals. Why? because if I didnt like you while you were alive I am not going to go for the sake of going and pretend, besides who am I doing it for?

Az said...

I hate insincere people...period. My take is, if you genuinely want to be here, then be here...but if you don't then F@uck off. I dont have time for games.

That said...I also hate people who glorify the dead...they'll be like "Oh he was so nice...we were best friends, one day he gave me a lollipop blah blah"...they conveniently forget that he was a colossal jackass who thought he was better than everyone else, never even bothered to greet them and only gave the lollipop because he had to replace the one he stole in the first place.

I believe if you have nothing good and HONEST to say, then shut up.

UJ said...

@OH - Does that mean you dont like anyone at all ;-)
But yeah i definately get what you're saying
@Azra - That's the thing though, there's this massive societal pressure to do the insincere thing. 'n following that tis really hard to decide who is sincere and who isn't