Monday, January 19, 2009

We Love You Bono

So I was watching the Obama Lovefest (otherwise knows as the Inaugural Concert) last night which was pretty fun. The whole production was really pretty slick and the degree to which they took the inclusiveness thing was on the verge of being excessive.

Firstly, every prominent African-American (read Black) actor was out, starting with Denzel Washington and Jamie Foxx to Samuel Jackson, even Queen Latifah came in for some fairer sex relief. To top that though, they were even inclusive towards Hispanics and Indians with George Lopez and Kal Pen (Kumar from Harold and Kumar fame) on stage too.

Just about then though, my dad commented along the lines that the jingoistic Americanism was starting to grate; that every time he heard those lines about freedom all he could think about were the Palestinians. Right then and there though, Bono came along to save my evening.

Singing "Pride", the song about Martin Luther King Jr (Google the lyrics) he spoke to the world. As Bono sang the chorus "in the name of love" he stopped for some trademark preaching that warmed my heart. "This is not just an American dream, but also an Irish dream, a European dream, an African dream, an Israeli dream". My heart felt like it was going to break, here was Bono, the rockstar crusader for the people of the world, ignoring the Palestinians. He waited a few second as if wondering 'Just how much trouble am I going to get into for this' and then yelled "and a Palestinian dream". It was amazing, the crowd went wild as he said Palestinian cheering for a good minute as Bono bellowed "Let Freedom Reign".

Thanks Bono, for saving my night


Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

What that guy has done with celebrity currency is just unreal and inspiring.

Az said...

You know I do believe that Obama could make a difference, just how much of a difference is still to be established.

I still find the whole "I Barack Hoosein Obama hereby..." part hilarious. Like I said on Nooj's Cbox, I half expected him to say "I Buraaq Hoosein Osama Bin Laden, hereby..." and then pull off the mask to show the most wanted man in the that would be entertainment :D

UJ said...

lol lol.. you know that would have been unbelievable... we'd have seen him being shot right there on live TV! Talk about entertainment value.

M Junaid said...

have you given up on blogging son?

Action Wolfe said...

Randomly dropped by ur blog ...

... I like Bonno and his ideals don't get me wrong - but moments like these make me think he does them under personal pretences to feed into his image of being a socially and morally just person. He could have said this any time anywhere but he did it when millions were watching. I get that its a good time too imnot a tool. URG I don't know how to explain it because he is doing good things... but I just think the way he does it is abit wanky i guess.

Action Wolfe